Since serving senior is our calling, we thought you might enjoy a few facts about them. In terms of numbers, the U.S. Census Bureau reports there were 40.3 million U.S. residents 65 years and older in 2010. By 2020 that number has grown more than a third (34.2% or 13,787,044 more seniors). From 2018 to 2019, the 65+ population grew 3.2% (1,688,924).
The Population Reference Bureau projects the senior population will soon double and by 2060 there will be nearly 100 million Americans 65 years and older. The CDC says the growth is due in part to the large baby boomer generation along with a rise in the group’s life span. The United Nations projects one person out of every five globally will be over the age of 65; and in the U.S., the number will be even slightly high than one in five.
As of 2020, the U.S. had the highest absolute number of centenarians in the world with 97,000; however Japan has the highest rate of centenarians numbering 0.06 of the population. The CDC reports the leading cause of death over the age of 65 is chronic conditions such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. The leading cause of unintentional injury deaths in the U.S. for adults 65 years or older are falls. As of Oct, 2020, a man 65 can expect to live 18 more years on average, and 65 year old women can expect to live approximately 20.7 more years.
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